June 2021 marked the end of the first complete year of virtual learning for LAUSD and many college campuses across the country. As we witnessed the ramifications and long-term effects of distance learning, the need for Fulfillment Fund’s support beyond our traditional programs was clear. In a virtual environment where attendance consists of logging into Zoom classes, the obstacles our students faced became exponential — particularly for those who already struggled in a school setting.
Despite the challenging times during the 2020-2021 academic year, Fulfillment Fund grew. We expanded our team, our board, our reach, and, most importantly, our ability to be responsive to students in real-time.
We took on nearly 500 more students than the previous year and served 3,253 students through our College Access and College Success Programs. 93% of our students graduated from high school, and 95% of our college students were persisting in their postsecondary education or earned their degree.
Read more below about Fulfillment Fund’s year and accomplishments in the 2021 Annual Report.
If you would like to download the full report, you may do so by clicking here.