Fulfillment Fund Blog

Lessons From Our First Semester Back

By: Rachel Livingston, VP of Programs

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Home for the Holidays

By: Laura Romero, Fulfillment Fund Student and Series Guest Blogger

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Student Highlight: Focus and Dedication

Losing a bad habit early in my life will only help me succeed in the future. Walter was not...

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Student Highlight: Overcoming Cultural Barriers

When I graduate college, I will dedicate it to my parents. In eighth grade, Aubrey’s world was turned upside...

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Student Highlight: A Parent’s Perspective

It’s a blessing for us to be a part of the Fulfillment Fund. When the two parties come together...

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Student Detours

The Persisting Effects of the Pandemic on Students Since March 2020, life has taken an unexpected detour. The pandemic...

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Where Am I: Midterms

By: Laura Romero, Fulfillment Fund Student and Series Guest Blogger

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Schools and Education in a Newly Reopened Reality

By: Rachel Livingston, VP of Programs

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Returning to Class: Month One

By: Laura Romero, Fulfillment Fund Student and Series Guest Blogger

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Landing with a Splash: Orientation

By: Laura Romero, Fulfillment Fund Student and Series Guest Blogger

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