David and Charlie are the two lucky Fulfillment students that interviewed our special guest, Tiffany Haddish, for Destination College+. They have a long history with the Fulfillment Fund and embody the many hopes and dreams of our students and what they wish to do with their education in the future. Before the interview with Tiffany, we wanted to flip the script and interview them, so you can get to know them a little better.
Tell us about where you are in your college career?
David: As of today, I am a Sophomore at Dickinson College studying Educational Studies and Spanish. My plans after undergrad are to attend law school to study education policies and make a change in my local community school district.
Charlie: I’m in college studying International Business & Management at Dickinson College and found an interest in Business Finance. Now looking into getting experience in the business finance or business health field to pursue a master’s degree in either Business Administration or Finance.
When did you first hear about or engage with the Fulfillment Fund?
David: When I was in the 7th grade, I had the great opportunity to be a part of the Fulfillment Fund Mentor program; where they paired me with a professional who could not only help guide me in school but also in what I wanted to do after high school which for me was college. This allowed me to see myself as a college student as soon as in middle school. This was extremely helpful as I was able to see how I could tackle different paths such as STEM, social work, and even law school.
Charlie: I first heard about Fulfillment Fund in 7th grade when they partnered with New Open World Academy. They reached out to the 8th graders first but I would hear about it and was always curious about the idea of going to college. Thus, I started to ask and say hi to the college counselor. Until one day she walked in and talked to us about the program and making college a reality. From then on, it was an amazing experience.
In addition to program services like financial aid application workshops and in-class lessons, what other Fulfillment Fund programs did you participate in?
David: The programs which I participated in were Men Creating Change(MCC), where I was able to become a better man but also see how to give back to my community and help others out. MCC allowed me to be able to talk about struggles such as being a man of color, a first-gen student but also allow me to meet other students who were in the same boat as me trying to break stereotypes that were perpetrated on us at such an early age.
Charlie: I participated in a couple of STEM programs, Men In Training, CAP Leaders Crew, Northern California College Trip, and Destination College.
How did Fulfillment Fund influence your college career?
David: Fulfillment Fund influenced my college career because as they helped me apply to colleges, helped me fill out my FAFSA forms, apply for grants, and are still guiding me in college as of today, I knew that I wanted to go into the educational field and give back to my community as they did for me. I knew that I wanted to help students of color be able to apply for college, get the help they need to fill out all forms necessary for college, and also be a support system for first-generation, low-income students.
Charlie: They provided me with the opportunity to meet people involved with Fulfillment Fund and their journey in selecting a career. Also the career fairs Fulfillment Fund would host on campus were always very informative. At Destination College, I would always find an interesting table to engage with and get information.
What would you like to do next?
David: I would like to attend law school while working at a non-profit that helps students of color be able to see the paths they can choose to pursue after high school. I would like to work for an organization that strives to help break the gap of higher education amongst students who are underrepresented in all fields. I would also like to be an educator who encourages all students to pursue their wildest career dreams despite all the obstacles they will have to endure while pursuing it! Because I believe that any student can do what they set their minds to.
Charlie: Next I would like to pursue my master’s degree and have a job helping people become more financially literate. But before, I need to learn more myself.
Were you surprised by the opportunity to interview Tiffany Haddish? Why are you excited to do this interview?
David: I was extremely surprised by the opportunity to be interviewed by Tiffany Haddish — she is a role model for all people of color who live in Los Angeles. I am excited to do this interview because I know that she was passionate about giving back to her community and also spreading knowledge about how students can be successful and take on roles that we normally don’t see students of color in.
Charlie: I was definitely surprised by the opportunity, I was star struck. Going to the East Coast people would ask about living in L.A. and seeing celebrities. I have never really seen a celebrity or paid much attention to one, but with Tiffany Haddish it’s different. She has an interest and is an advocate for higher education and equal access to resources. I am excited because she is leading by example, showing that anyone can pursue their passion and overcome their own struggles.