Scholarships and Stipends

Each year, 60 students earn a Fulfillment Fund Scholarship to support their four-year college ambitions, while 30 more two-year college-bound students receive stipends. These financial awards help alleviate the burden of college costs and motivate students to complete their degree programs. In addition, recipients gain access to all of our College Success Programs, including career readiness sessions, networking opportunities, workshops, and personalized support to help them navigate any academic, social, or financial challenges. Students who successfully transfer from a two-year college to a four-year university are also eligible to apply for our transfer scholarship.

Many Fulfillment Fund students express that the cost of attending college is a significant barrier to earning a degree. Our scholarship program directly addresses this challenge by offering scholarships, textbook stipends, and internship training and support. Each scholarship recipient not only receives financial assistance but also benefits from ongoing support through Fulfillment Fund’s team. This includes a summer workshop, Fulfillment Fund University, designed to prepare incoming college students for the journey ahead.

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